Notizie dalle scuole cattoliche di tutto il mondo

La rete internazionale dell’Ufficio internazionale dell’educazione cattolica (OIEC)
e la sotto-organizzazione europea Comité Européen pour l’Enseignement Catholique – Comitato europeo per l’educazione cattolica (CEEC) 

uniscono le organizzazioni ombrello nazionali delle scuole cattoliche e offrono scambio e networking a livello internazionale
Conferenze specialistiche e newsletter periodiche, oltre a vari progetti, offrono interessanti spunti di riflessione sulla situazione delle scuole cattoliche in altri paesi.

Raccolta di notizie per i membri interessati delle scuole cattoliche in Svizzera:

2020.07 Le rapport “Comment l’école catholique en Europe fait-elle face à la crise COVID-19“. La première partie présente les résultats de l’enquête en ligne, tandis que la seconde partie est un résumé des interventions faites lors de nos deux sessions de zoom du mois de juin.

The report “How is the Catholic school in Europe dealing with the COVID-19 crisis?”. The first part shows the results of the online survey, while the second part is a summary of the contributions done during our two zoom sessions in June.

2020.05 Bulletin d’information no 7 (fr)  –  Newsletter no 7 (en)
2020.01 Bulletin d’information – Newsletter no 6 (fr/en)
2019 Bulletin d’information – Newsletter no 5 (fr/en)
2018 Bulletin d’information – Newsletter no 4 (fr/en)
2017 Bulletin d’information – Newsletter no 3 (fr/en)


2020.08 Book “Global Educative Pact”  –  Livre “Pacte Éducatif Global”  –  Libro “Pacto Educativo Global”:  The most important issue is to find ourselves, dialogue and keep going together in order to appear a better education for everyone and with everyone.
(editorial articles in spanish, contributions from all over the world in original language)
2020.07 Educatio Si Bulletin, n5: Catholic Schools in the french speaking world
2020.04 Educatio Si Bulletin, n4: Global Catholic Education Report 2020 and Covid-19 crisis
2020 Covid-19 and Catholic Schools (“Journal of Catholic Education”, special issue)
2020.01 Educatio Si Bulletin, n3: Catholic Schools in the spanish speaking world
2019.10 Fondazione Gravissimum Educationis, Foundation Newsletter
2019 Educatio Si Bulletin, n2: Education and sustainable development
2019 Education Si Bulletin, n1: Highlights and reflections on OIEC World Congress

News & suggerimenti